It’s FAR-fetched… it’s an ART SHOW!
Homelessness and isolation are big issues in Australia. I want to help, but I’d like to do it with my own style – so we’re organising a fun, FAR-fetched fundraising art exhibition.
On Friday 30 May 2008, FAR Social Enterprise, a social enterprise by Jackie Ruddock and Jo Taylor is hosting a fundraising art exhibition.
Plus, it’s my 30th birthday, so I want to get great people into a space to celebrate art.
FAR is calling for artists to donate a piece of art so that 100% of the selling price of the art goes straight to the giving-project.
By participating, you as an artist are:
• Showcasing your work to a broad audience
• Demonstrating your commitment to philanthropy
• Having your work and name linked with a great cause
• Getting your work bought by people from different audiences
• Being exhibited with other socially minded artists
• Having your work promoted widely.
What is the art show supporting?
The FAR-fetched Art Show is supporting the ‘ShoutOut Western Sydney’ project by Twenty10 GLBT Youth Support.
ShoutOut Western Sydney plans to provide a Saturday support program for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) and queer young people in the Western Sydney region. A local, dedicated safe space for young people can make a BIG difference in a young person’s life.
Think about it:
• On the weekend you can go out without your parents necessarily needing to know where you are going, what time you’ll home, and with who
• A bus or train trip within Western Sydney is cheaper than coming all the way into Sydney
• We know queer young people, when they come together, find strength and support. Everyone has the right to not feel isolated or alone
• By building a network of support, young people are far less likely to leave home, or relocate to Sydney without any support
By supporting this project you are supporting a longer-term, sustainable project.
The recently released National Youth Commission's Inquiry into Youth Homelessness highlights that every night approximately 40,000 young people are homeless. When asked on ABC Radio National, Associate Professor David Mackenzie, co-author of Australia’s Homeless Youth said one of the Top 10 actions to prevent homelessness is early intervention work. The ‘ShoutOut Western Sydney’ project is an example of early intervention work that needs support.
If you can support this project, please do.
How you can get involved:
Email Jackie Ruddock at to express your interest to participate. We need:
• A digital picture of the donated artwork (at this stage, we can take artwork that includes installation pieces / video art as long as it can be sold)
• A 150 word biography of your art experience
• Your contact details
LATEST DEADLINE for inclusion into the show is Monday 5 May 2008, but so we can publicise widely and generate interest, we’d love to hear from you by Monday 28 April 2008.