Principles and practices underpinning FAR-fetched:• FAR-fetched is being organised by Jackie Ruddock and Jo Taylor of FAR Social Enterprise.
• This is an event to celebrate the values of FAR, celebrate Jackie's 30th birthday, and raise money for a specific cause: Twenty10.
• The purpose of the FAR-fetched exhibition is to raise money for Twenty10's Shout Out Western Sydney Project. Twenty10 is a registered charity.
• FAR-fetched is an invite only, private function.
The purpose of the FAR-fetched event is to have a shared, good time and raise money.• FAR-fetched is NOT a commercial art selling initiative.
Rules governing the artwork sales:
1. Artwork is for sale only on the night, 6 p.m. Friday 30 May 2008. There are no presales.
2. A price list will be available on the FAR-fetched blog on Thursday 29 May 2008.
3. FAR-fetched is a one-night only event.
4. There is one person in charge of all sales only. This person is the only person authorised to agree to the sale of artwork. Their decision is final.
5. The prices of the artwork are fixed. There is no negotiation on art sale prices. Works are not being auctioned.
6. Payment for artworks must be made in full on the night by credit card, or by cash only. Personal Cheques are not accepted. Each person buying artwork must fill in a form including name, address and method of payment to secure the buying of the piece.
7. Two authorised people will witness cash sales.
8. Work that has been bought in full, may be taken at the end of the night, 8.30 p.m. Friday 30 May 2008. Otherwise, it will be collected from the FAR office at a pre-agreed time. All artwork must be collected by Friday 13 June 2008.